Showing 1–12 of 15 results
The A10 is an absolute gravimeter optimized for fast data acquisition and portability in outdoor applications. The instrument allows operation in harsh field conditions on open outdoor sites in the sun, snow, and wind.
- Automated leveling
- Battery operated
- Temperature controlled sensor
- Ideal roadside operation from a vehicle
The CB-3 offers a mid-range sensitivity much higher than the proton magnetometer. The CB-3 has an automatic hemisphere switching and a wide voltage range. In addition to having the maximum active zone and minimum dead zones, it also functions well in low magnetic areas.
- CB-3 sensor offers unsurpassed performance.
- It is well suitable for airborne magnetometer system operators.
- The CB-3 will provide indisputably excellent magnetic data quality.
The CG-6 Autograv™ is the next generation land gravity meter combining a modern, intuitive user interface with our renowned quartz sensor technology housed in a rugged yet lightweight enclosure. The new CG-6 offers fast, reliable and precise gravity measurements and includes an array of mapping and post processing functionality with our new Lynx LG software conveniently installed on the optional tablet computer.
The World Standard in Airborne Magnetics
The CS-3 offers the highest sensitivity and lowest noise on the market, with automatic hemisphere switching and a wide voltage range. In addition to having the maximum active zone and minimum dead zones, it also maintains the smallest heading errors.
- CS-3 sensor offers unsurpassed performance as an industry standard.
- It is the choice of airborne magnetometer system operators.
- The CS-3 will provide indisputably the best in your magnetic data quality.
The CS-L is a high resolution continuous reading cesium magnetometer designed for aircraft or multi-towed arrays. The total weight, with the 3 m cable, is 1.8 kg (3.96 lbs). Uses the same technology as the CS-3 with upgraded electronics for which makes it light weight.
The CS-VL is a high resolution continuous reading cesium magnetometer designed for UAV aircraft or multi towed arrays. The total weight, with the 3 m cable, is 890 g (1.96 lbs). Uses the same technology as the CS-3 with upgraded electronics for which makes it very light weight.
The ENVI Cs Cesium Vapour magnetometer is the next advancement in magnetometers using the latest hardware available.
The ENVI Cs is a continuous reading magnetometer with high sensitivity with integrated navigational GPS and a versatile design that offers the user the ability to maximize productivity.
Recognized standard for measuring gravity. The FG5-X system uses the well established free-fall technique of measuring gravity.
- Extended free-fall chamber length
- Improved Electronics
- Improved reliability
- Redesigned drive system
- Built-in collimation optics for verticality alignment
- Drag-free chamber surrounds the free-falling test mass
- Portable standard in Absolute Gravity
The Micro-g LaCoste gPhoneX gravity meter uses the Zero-Length Spring™ sensor technology to provide microGal repeatability with very low static drift, which makes it the best suited as a monitoring meter. Whether you are interested in earthquake or volcanic studies, earth tide or reservoir monitoring, the gPhoneX will out perform all others. The gPhoneX can also be used as an ultra sensitive low frequency seismometer for these areas of studies.
The Gravilog™ slim-hole probe is designed to be deployed down to a depth of 2,400 meters (7,874 feet; 4 conductors) inside smaller boreholes, (NQ drill rods, 57.2mm [2¼ in]) with deviations from vertical of up...
A precision leveling and stabilizing platform for gPhone, gPhoneX and other instrumentation.
Specifically tailored to the gPhone and gPhoneX gravity meters, the Odin Leveling Platform uses three temperature controlled hydraulic legs to precisely control tilt with sub-arcsecond resolution. The platform is actively servo-controlled to maintain level, allowing the gravity meter to measure continuously over long periods of time.
The RG-1 Remote Operating Gravity Meter is designed to be incorporated into autonomous underwater or terrain vehicles for the purpose of acquiring micro gravity data remotely. The RG-1 is easy to integrate into an existing AUV / ROV, requires low power and includes a standard serial port for control, data output and battery connection.